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What transpires on the surface of the Throneworld, I cannot say. What horrors you have endured, I cannot imagine.
All I know for certain is this: I am mere days from the system's edge, and within a solar week, I will be in the skies above Terra.
With me I bring the entire might of the Thirteenth Legion, and I am not alone; word has reached me from Russ and the Lion, at the vanguard of the Sixth and the First. Our numbers are enough to cleanse the heavens and tear the world from the Arch-traitor's grip.
Hold on to hope, brother. That is all I ask. Can you give me that? Can you stand your ground for these last, ultimate hours? Those elusive twins, Victory and Vengeance, are coming. This war ends the moment I reach Terra.
Hold, in the name of the Emperor and the Imperium we have built together.
I will be with you soon.
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